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Astronomija - opšta tema

Jolly Roger

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Bi fino na Pieru I na Hadsonu. Iako je bilo oblacno vreme, uspeli smo da privirimo malo i da kazemo zbogom Venerinim prolazima, sto se nas tice. Oni koji se rode u drugoj polovini i krajem ovog veka bice u prilici da posmatraju prolaze ponovo. Aferim!smorrior ckilji kroz moj teleskop, dok ja kerberisem pored (baj set stjuart)eto kakvo nam je vreme bilo, ali mi smo bili i srecni i sa 5 sekundi (mada je bilo i vise:-)) da promotrimo Venerinu senku (baj Kreg Saks)A krajem maja, tacnije 19.-21. boravih u Novom Meksiku da posmatram prstenasto pomracenje Sunca. S kolegom sa posla obisli smo pola drzave:Santa Fe, Los Alamos i Albukerki, da bi onda skrenuli levo od Albukerkija i zavrsili na Mesa del Sol, gde smo postavili teleskope u iscekivanju pomracenja.

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@Њујоркер :Hail: Posebno ovo, kako samo zloslutno deluje. :)Svaka čast, sjajne fotografije, mogao bi i češće da ih kačiš.

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Da se za trenutak odmaknemo od Marsa:Eau de vacuum

"Each time, when I repressed the Mir space station airlock, opened the hatch and welcomed two tired workers inside, a peculiar odor tickled my olfactory senses,"astronaut Don Pettit recalled. "At first I couldn't quite place it. It must have come from the air ducts that re-pressed the compartment. Then I noticed that this smell was on their suit, helmet, gloves, and tools. It was more pronounced on fabrics than on metal or plastic surfaces."He concluded:It is hard to describe this smell; it is definitely not the olfactory equivalent to describing the palette sensations of some new food as "tastes like chicken." The best description I can come up with is metallic; a rather pleasant sweet metallic sensation. It reminded me of my college summers where I labored for many hours with an arc welding torch repairing heavy equipment for a small logging outfit. It reminded me of pleasant sweet smelling welding fumes. That is the smell of space.
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