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Ono što ja mogu da ti kažem je sledeće, ona naša serija, Lunov Magnus Strip, tj Denvnik, bila je hronološka i išla je recimo do 110. epizode, osim što je iz nekog razloga, preskočena jedna epizoda (iz glave - "Panova frula").


Što se tiče novih izdanja sa boljom štampom, Veseli četvrtak to izdaje kao "Marti Misterija Biblioteku" (to je to o čemu Njujorker priča), a znam i da je Libellus radio to isto u Hrvatskoj, osim što ne znam tačno koliko im je knjiga izašlo.


U svakom slučaju, Njujorker će detaljnije :)

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Dnevnik je preskocio i jubilarni 100-ti broj pored Panove frule, a u regularnu seriju nagurao i prva tri specijala. Ali sto rece kapkila, Dnevnik je isao hronosloski. Razlika izmedju Dnevinika i italijana u numerisanju postoji stoga sto je jedno vreme, posle zlosrecnog Djila i Bele i Bronka, Marti isao na 160 pa na 132 strane, dok je kod zabara non stop Marti isao na standardnih 96. Otude je poslednji Dnevnik Alisejsko ostrvo LMS #107 = MM ita #110.


Libelus objavljuje regularnog martija od pocetka, jedna epizoda-jedna knjiga (osim u slucaju kratkih prica od 64 str, kad ide spajanje par njih). Dogurali su do 79-te knjige, odnosno do MM ita #122. VC Biblioteka MM objavljuje hronoloski sve od pocetka, i bez izuzetka. Prva knjiga je donela i Alana Kvotemejna i Doka Robinzona, pretece Martija, i prvih 6 sveski (zakljucno sa pricom Zlocin u praistoriji). Druga je zapocela sa Izvorom mladosti a zavrsila s Vampirom u Njujorku (sveske 7-14). Otude treca knjiga krece sa Macem kralja Artura;-)

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VC ima dve MM edicije. Regularnu kiosk na 164 str, koja ide tromesecno i ovu kolekcionarsku na cca 750 strana, jednom godisnje. Obe su SC, cijena prava sitnica. Regularci 3ipo jevreja, knjiga oko 15.

Libelus izdaje oko 6-8 knjiga godisnje u HC opremi. Cena varira od obima knjige, ali necu preterati ako kazem da jedan Libelusov MM je ko VC kniga.

Sto se prevoda tice, VC je bolji i tacniji, mada i Libelus radi fer posao. Sve je bolje od Dnevnika i SA:-)

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  • 2 weeks later...
The author of Watchmen, V for Vendetta and The Killing Joke plans to focus on film and literary work
After writing some of the most famous and critically acclaimed comic books of all time, including Watchmen, V for Vendetta, From Hell and The League of Extraordinary Gentleman, Alan Moore has confirmed that he is retiring from the medium.
At a press conference in London for his latest work, Jerusalem, a weighty novel named after William Blake’s poem exploring the history of Moore’s native Northampton through several lives, Moore said he had “about 250 pages of comics left in me”.
He added: “And those will probably be very enjoyable. There are a couple of issues of an Avatar [Press] book that I am doing at the moment, part of the HP Lovecraft work I’ve been working on recently. Me and Kevin will be finishing Cinema Purgatorio and we’ve got about one more book, a final book of League of Extraordinary Gentlemen to complete. After that, although I may do the odd little comics piece at some point in the future, I am pretty much done with comics.”
The decision came, Moore explained, when he realised he felt too comfortable in the medium. “I think I have done enough for comics. I’ve done all that I can. I think if I were to continue to work in comics, inevitably the ideas would suffer, inevitably you’d start to see me retread old ground and I think both you and I probably deserve something better than that,” he said.
“So, the things that interest me at the moment are the things I don’t know if I can do, like films, where I haven’t got a clue what I am doing, or giant literary novels. Things I wasn’t sure I’d even have the stamina to finish … I know I am able to do anything anyone is capable of doing in the comic book medium. I don’t need to prove anything to myself or anyone else. Whereas these other fields are much more exciting to me. I will always revere comics as a medium. It is a wonderful medium.”
In a passage of Jerusalem, one character reflects: “He never looks at comics these days, even though they’ve become fashionable to the point where adults are allowed to read them without fear of ridicule. Ironically, in David’s view, this makes them a lot more ridiculous than when they were intended as a perfectly legitimate and often beautifully crafted means of entertaining kids.”
Moore acknowledged this was “probably an author’s message”. He said: “I am sure there is probably a very good reason for the hundreds of thousands of adults who are flocking to see the latest adventures of Batman, but I for one am a little in the dark for what that reason is.
“The superhero movies – characters that were invented by Jack Kirby in the 1960s or earlier – I have great love for those characters as they were to me when I was a 13-year-old boy. They were brilliantly designed and created characters. But they were for 50 years ago. I think this century needs, deserves, its own culture. It deserves artists that are actually going to attempt to say things that are relevant to the times we are actually living in. That’s a longwinded way of me saying I am really, really sick of Batman.”
Moore famously had a falling out with DC Comics, the owners of the Batman character, when he worked with them in the 1980s, over creator’s rights and merchandising. Since then, he has said he wishes his name to be removed from all comic work that he does not own, including Watchmen and V for Vendetta, which both remain properties of DC Comics.
He is also a vocal critic of Hollywood’s treatment of his comics. At the London press conference, he confirmed that Jerusalem would not be adapted into a film, “or not at least if I have any say in the matter”.
In 2014, Moore said in an interview that he planned to retire from public life after writing a lengthy rebuttal to online accusations of sexism and racism in his work. “Better that I let my work speak for me, which is all I’ve truthfully ever wanted or expected, both as a writer and as a reader of other authors’ work,” he wrote.





BTW, ko ce prvi da cita Jerusalim? Vini? Lubo?

Edited by Sludge Factory
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Ja ću jednog dana sigurno, ali sramim se priznati da me još Voice of the Fire čeka evo već 20 godina :(


Ja kupio Voice of the Fire nedavno, ali su slova toliko sitna u ovom izdanju da ne znam sta da radim. Razmisljam cak da odnesem u kopirnicu da mi uvecaju i iskopiraju, da mi bude lakse za citanje. 

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Nastavak, stvari se lagano zahuktavaju. 










Jedan interesantan pristup temi





Početna teza je da je u Sibiru 1908 pao sofisticirani kosmički brod i da su nađeni njegovi delovi nakon ekspedicije sprovedene 1912. godine. Metal od koga je sačinjena oplata je mogao da se zgužva a kada bi bio ostavljen na miru vraćao bi se u svoj prvobitan oblik. Pominje se i H.G.Wells koji kaže da je inspiraciju za Rat Svetova dobio proučavajući sličan događaj star više vekova gde je takođe meteor prvo padao, zatim promenio kurs, pokušao da sleti i na kraju se ipak srušio. 


Radnja se zatim seli u 1916. godinu i front kod Verdena. Nemačko bombardovanje francuskog bunkera je rezultovalo lansiranjem ogromne kosmičke sonde koja je posle kraćeg leta sletela i postavila zaštitno polje oko sebe. Posle neuspešnih pokušaja da je unište, Francuzi i Nemci su sproveli primirje na tom delu fronta kako bi proučili taj fenomen. Sonda je poslala signal ka mrtvoj marsovskoj civilizaciji a kao rezultat toga (pretpostavljam) automatizovana invaziona armija je krenula ka Zemlji. 


Štos je u tome što kosmički brod koji se srušio u Sibiru izgleda nije sa Marsa. :D








Edited by bigvlada
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