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How statistics lost their power – and why we should fear what comes next

The ability of statistics to accurately represent the world is declining. In its wake, a new age of big data controlled by private companies is taking over – and putting democracy in peril

by William Davies



what is most politically significant about this shift from a logic of statistics to one of data is how comfortably it sits with the rise of populism. Populist leaders can heap scorn upon traditional experts, such as economists and pollsters, while trusting in a different form of numerical analysis altogether. Such politicians rely on a new, less visible elite, who seek out patterns from vast data banks, but rarely make any public pronouncements, let alone publish any evidence. These data analysts are often physicists or mathematicians, whose skills are not developed for the study of society at all. This, for example, is the worldview propagated by Dominic Cummings, former adviser to Michael Gove and campaign director of Vote Leave. “Physics, mathematics and computer science are domains in which there are real experts, unlike macro-economic forecasting,” Cummings has argued.

Figures close to Donald Trump, such as his chief strategist Steve Bannon and the Silicon Valley billionaire Peter Thiel, are closely acquainted with cutting-edge data analytics techniques, via companies such as Cambridge Analytica, on whose board Bannon sits. During the presidential election campaign, Cambridge Analytica drew on various data sources to develop psychological profiles of millions of Americans, which it then used to help Trump target voters with tailored messaging.

This ability to develop and refine psychological insights across large populations is one of the most innovative and controversial features of the new data analysis. As techniques of “sentiment analysis”, which detect the mood of large numbers of people by tracking indicators such as word usage on social media, become incorporated into political campaigns, the emotional allure of figures such as Trump will become amenable to scientific scrutiny. In a world where the political feelings of the general public are becoming this traceable, who needs pollsters?

Few social findings arising from this kind of data analytics ever end up in the public domain. This means that it does very little to help anchor political narrative in any shared reality. With the authority of statistics waning, and nothing stepping into the public sphere to replace it, people can live in whatever imagined community they feel most aligned to and willing to believe in. Where statistics can be used to correct faulty claims about the economy or society or population, in an age of data analytics there are few mechanisms to prevent people from giving way to their instinctive reactions or emotional prejudices. On the contrary, companies such as Cambridge Analytica treat those feelings as things to be tracked.

But even if there were an Office for Data Analytics, acting on behalf of the public and government as the ONS does, it is not clear that it would offer the kind of neutral perspective that liberals today are struggling to defend. The new apparatus of number-crunching is well suited to detecting trends, sensing the mood and spotting things as they bubble up. It serves campaign managers and marketers very well. It is less well suited to making the kinds of unambiguous, objective, potentially consensus-forming claims about society that statisticians and economists are paid for.

Edited by miki.bg
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Why time management is ruining our lives


počeo sam da se bogatim kad sam kupio rokovnik i penkalo te počeo da pišem ne samo šta ću nego kada i koliko da radim


zato i bez bez čitanja mogu da kažem da je ovaj tzv stav samo još 1 utešna nagrada lezilebovićkoj publici gardijena neostvarenoj u njkv Kapitalizmu  :fantom:

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Invisible Manipulators of Your Mind
Tamsin Shaw


​We are living in an age in which the behavioral sciences have become inescapable. The findings of social psychology and behavioral economics are being employed to determine the news we read, the products we buy, the cultural and intellectual spheres we inhabit, and the human networks, online and in real life, of which we are a part. Aspects of human societies that were formerly guided by habit and tradition, or spontaneity and whim, are now increasingly the intended or unintended consequences of decisions made on the basis of scientific theories of the human mind and human well-being.


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  • 3 months later...

Uhhh sumorno dosta...

Zanimalo bi me šta kaže namenski i još par forumaša koji su upućeni u materiju



Sad vidim da je tekst od pre mesec dana, što nije mnogo bitno, naravno. Danas sam ga čitao, a okvirno se poklopilo sa vestima o prodaji i demontaži dokova u Bijeloj: https://radiojadran.com/jos-malo-pa-odose-veliki-i-mali-dok-iz-brodogradilista/


Sranje je jos i vece, covek doduse malo preteruje sa razumljivom nostalgijom, jer se ni mnogo vece trgovacke mornarice nisu uspele da odrze 90-ih u vreme globalnog ekonomskog buma za vreme kojeg su se ex-Yu zemlje bavile nekim drugim precim poslovima.

Sumnjam da bi CG pomorstvo i kadrovitm uspeli da se odrze pored navale istocnoevropskih kadrova, Poljaka i ostalih, takodje 90-ih, cak i da je bilo pameti, a naravno da nije.

Sto se brodogradnje tice, tu je zaista propustena velika prilika za malu CG: remontovanje je uvek bilo i uvek ce biti posao, ali ocigledno da CG takozvani biznismeni/investitori :isuse:  tu nisu videli priliku, obaska sto je to posao za drzavu pre svega jer nema brodogradnje bez subvencija i ostalih oblika drzavne potpore.

Steta ponajvise strucnog kadra, od najnizeg do najviseg: taj gubitak se nikako ne moze da nadoknadi.

Jadransko primorje nikad nije zivjelo samo od turizma. Osim sad. Zato mu sad i jeste ovako.



Meni nako, malo tužno. Nova su vremena, i sve se menja ali ipak...


....shit has hit the fan...

Tuzno i pretuzno, ipak, mozda nesto i bude: Bijelu mozda preuzme Damen u nekoj saradnji sa Porto Montenegrom.

Aber je taze, jos se nista ne zna, ali je Damen, mada poprilicno naduvan, izistinski ozbiljna firma.

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Imam prijatelja koji je tri decenije bio nostromo/barba. I kao svaki barba pun zamiljivih prica. Malo mi je docarao situaciju u pomorstvu.

Kao prvo ministar pomorstva i saobracaja je iz Bosnjacke stranke. Mozda je plovio na Rozajskom okeanu. Nisam nacionalista, ali daaaaj...

Lucka kapetanija Kotor je krsh. Vodi je covjek kojem je glavna referenca to sto je brat bjvseg ministra pomorstva. Tako se desi da izgori jahta u neregistrovanoj (formalno nepostojecoj looool) marini, gdje je vezano 10-tak jahti/jedrilica, ni jedna ispod 20 metara.

Dvije pomorske kompanije imaju cetiri broda i 40 zaposlenih u admistraciji, naravno svi za stalno i sdp-a, kada su drzali taj resor. Na brodu troje cetvoro ima ozbiljne plate, ostali rade za filipinske plate i placeni su samo na brodu. A isto su iz CG. Firme me mogu da otplacuju kredite jer su vozarinw na istorijskom minimumu. Sutra jos, ne da minse kucat na telefonu



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