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Trojni pakt i Aprilski rat

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On 15/09/2012 at 10:29 PM, Filipenko said:

Dakle, molim da se od sada prestane sa trubljenjima kako su komunjare čekale da Staljin aminuje da bi se digli protiv Nemaca 


Prvi partizanski odred osnovan je 22. juna 1941. godine u selu Zabno kod Siska. Zasto je prvi partizanski odred osnovan tek nakon sto je Nemacka napala SSSR?

Edited by 1234
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Ovako kako ti pokusavas da predstavis, veze izmedju Moskve i Yu komunjara radile su k'o da su imali Twiter: svaka im cast sto su odred formirali istog dana kada je napadnut SSSR :fantom:


Inace, pokusaji su ti ogavni komunisti, obaska sto ili ne znas, ili, sto je verovatnije, svesno izvrces istorijske cinjenice: KPJ je - da jedino jugoslovensko ucesce u Spanskom gradjanskom ratu kao nesporno generalnoj probi evropskog antifasizma ne pominjemo - od pocetka WW2 upozoravala i pozivala na pripremu otpora nacizmu, sa sve pozivom da se u Aprilskom ratu odazove mobilizaciji i bije sa Nemcima.

Bludis da ne kazem bludnicis po forumu, iskopao si post star cirka 5 godina da pokusas da prodas budjavu tezu o tome da je Yu komunistima bilo vise stalo do CCCP-a nego do sopstvene zemlje: uostalom, naravno da je pomoc Sovjetskom Savezu bila u vrhu prioriteta KPJ, sta tu ima cudno?

Sta su trebali, da podrze ratne i narocito predratne napore zapadnih demokratija u suprotstavljanju nacizmu/Nemackoj: pokazali su i dokazali da im organizaciono i sto se motiva tice, nema premca, privukli na taj nacin sve sto je vredelo, narocito u Srbiji i - zajedno sa ostacima JV, koji takodje nisu bili imuni na Ruse i potrebu da im se pomogne - u leto '41izveli ustanak kome po sirini i dometima nema premca u tadasnjoj Evropi i sa cime bi se svaka normalna zemlja danas ponosila.

Sve dok na scenu nisu stupili njakatori poput tebe koji, ovako ili onako, pokusavaju da nas ubede da je to moglo i drugacije, sve se vrteci oko one bljutave price o Srbiji koja dobija u ratu, a gubi u miru.

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On 01/01/2018 at 2:59 PM, namenski said:

Inace, pokusaji su ti ogavni komunisti, obaska sto ili ne znas, ili, sto je verovatnije, svesno izvrces istorijske cinjenice: KPJ je - da jedino jugoslovensko ucesce u Spanskom gradjanskom ratu kao nesporno generalnoj probi evropskog antifasizma ne pominjemo - od pocetka WW2 upozoravala i pozivala na pripremu otpora nacizmu, sa sve pozivom da se u Aprilskom ratu odazove mobilizaciji i bije sa Nemcima.

Bludis da ne kazem bludnicis po forumu, iskopao si post star cirka 5 godina da pokusas da prodas budjavu tezu o tome da je Yu komunistima bilo vise stalo do CCCP-a nego do sopstvene zemlje: uostalom, naravno da je pomoc Sovjetskom Savezu bila u vrhu prioriteta KPJ, sta tu ima cudno?


Ne lupetaj. Ako nije istina da je Tito cekao da Staljin aminuje ustanak, onda je prilicno cudno sto je prvi partizanski odred osnovan na dan kada je Nemacka napala SSSR. Zasto jugoslovenski komunisti nisu bili u mogucnosti da osnuju taj odred samo jedan dan ranije odnosno 21. juna?



Sta su trebali, da podrze ratne i narocito predratne napore zapadnih demokratija u suprotstavljanju nacizmu/Nemackoj: pokazali su i dokazali da im organizaciono i sto se motiva tice, nema premca, privukli na taj nacin sve sto je vredelo, narocito u Srbiji i - zajedno sa ostacima JV, koji takodje nisu bili imuni na Ruse i potrebu da im se pomogne - u leto '41

izveli ustanak kome po sirini i dometima nema premca u tadasnjoj Evropi i sa cime bi se svaka normalna zemlja danas ponosila.


Partizani su imali za cilj uspostavljanje totalitarnog komunistickog sistema. Nijedna normalna zemlja se ne ponosi anticivilizacijskim pokretima.



Sve dok na scenu nisu stupili njakatori poput tebe koji, ovako ili onako, pokusavaju da nas ubede da je to moglo i drugacije, sve se vrteci oko one bljutave price o Srbiji koja dobija u ratu, a gubi u miru.


Ljudi poput mene su Milan Grol, Bozidar Vlajic, Vane Ivanovic, Desimir Tosic, Mihajlo Mihajlov itd. Bagra poput tebe dosla je na vlast 1945. godine. Proganjali ste ljude koji su hteli da Jugoslavija bude deo demokratskog sveta.

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8 hours ago, 1234 said:


Ne lupetaj. Ako nije istina da je Tito cekao da Staljin aminuje ustanak, onda je prilicno cudno sto je prvi partizanski odred osnovan na dan kada je Nemacka napala SSSR. Zasto jugoslovenski komunisti nisu bili u mogucnosti da osnuju taj odred samo jedan dan ranije odnosno 21. juna?

Ne mogu da verujem da si provalio, izvini :D

To je poznato samo odabranima, nisam mogao ni da zamislim da cu sresti ovde nekoga: vidi, da su osnovalitm odred 21. juna, dan pre nego sto je Nemacka napala CCCP. ofirali bi se, Staljin bi provalio da je Tito u dosluhu sa Vatikanom, masonima, Kominternom i Hitlerom i da zna za predstojeci napad. Ovako, podmukli Yu komunisti i njihov vodja, su lepo sacekali 22. jun i naravno, kada je Staljin sabajle tog dana bio obavesten da su ga Nemci napali, prva stvar koju je uradio bila je da zgrabi telefon i pozove CK KPJ i zakuka da se sto pre osnivaju ti odredi i vadi iz govana CCCP.

Ovi nisu casili ni casa i dok dlanom o dlan, eto odreda...

Jos jednom, svaka cast.



Partizani su imali za cilj uspostavljanje totalitarnog komunistickog sistema. Nijedna normalna zemlja se ne ponosi anticivilizacijskim pokretima.


Kad bolje razmislim, mozda si u pravu:


Treba skenjati svaku, i najmanju uspomenu na totalitarne komunisticke sisteme i ostale anticivilizacijske pokrete, tu sramotu na licu vrlog novog sveta, sta koji kurac tu ima da se prica: ovi smesni likovi sa fotografije ima da fotosopom u narednoj istorijskoj inkarnaciji dobiju Georgijevske krstove, a partijske knjizice da zamene crkvenim kalendarima.

Sredi to, molim te.


Ljudi poput mene su Milan Grol, Bozidar Vlajic, Vane Ivanovic, Desimir Tosic, Mihajlo Mihajlov itd. Bagra poput tebe dosla je na vlast 1945. godine. Proganjali ste ljude koji su hteli da Jugoslavija bude deo demokratskog sveta.

Ovi ljudi poput tebe :isuse: bi se u grobu okrenuli na tvoj i tebi slicnih sirovi, primitivni antikomunizam, nedopravljen i priucen, netrpeljiv do nesposobnosti da se pozabavi elementarnim istorijskim cinjenicama i vremenima kada se dogadjalo to sto se dogadjalo.

Ispecen na antikomunistickoj histeriji 90-ih, nedopravljen, ucen na Vuku Draskovicu i ostalim stegonosama izvodjenja Srbije na pravi put istorijske istine i velicine...

Ajde se ti lepo drzi Ravne gore, pogledaj seriju jos koji put i utvrdi gradivo ;)


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5 hours ago, namenski said:

Ne mogu da verujem da si provalio, izvini :D

To je poznato samo odabranima, nisam mogao ni da zamislim da cu sresti ovde nekoga: vidi, da su osnovalitm odred 21. juna, dan pre nego sto je Nemacka napala CCCP. ofirali bi se, Staljin bi provalio da je Tito u dosluhu sa Vatikanom, masonima, Kominternom i Hitlerom i da zna za predstojeci napad. Ovako, podmukli Yu komunisti i njihov vodja, su lepo sacekali 22. jun i naravno, kada je Staljin sabajle tog dana bio obavesten da su ga Nemci napali, prva stvar koju je uradio bila je da zgrabi telefon i pozove CK KPJ i zakuka da se sto pre osnivaju ti odredi i vadi iz govana CCCP.

Ovi nisu casili ni casa i dok dlanom o dlan, eto odreda...

Jos jednom, svaka cast.


Vidim da si kukavica koja nema hrabrosti da prizna istorijske cinjenice:


- 1. jula 1941. Kominterna izdaje direktivu svim komunistickim partijama da zapocnu borbu protiv okupatora

- 4. jula 1941. na sednici Politbiroa CK KPJ doneta je odluka o podizanju ustanka



5 hours ago, namenski said:

Kad bolje razmislim, mozda si u pravu:


Treba skenjati svaku, i najmanju uspomenu na totalitarne komunisticke sisteme i ostale anticivilizacijske pokrete, tu sramotu na licu vrlog novog sveta, sta koji kurac tu ima da se prica: ovi smesni likovi sa fotografije ima da fotosopom u narednoj istorijskoj inkarnaciji dobiju Georgijevske krstove, a partijske knjizice da zamene crkvenim kalendarima.

Sredi to, molim te.

Ovi ljudi poput tebe :isuse: bi se u grobu okrenuli na tvoj i tebi slicnih sirovi, primitivni antikomunizam, nedopravljen i priucen, netrpeljiv do nesposobnosti da se pozabavi elementarnim istorijskim cinjenicama i vremenima kada se dogadjalo to sto se dogadjalo.

Ispecen na antikomunistickoj histeriji 90-ih, nedopravljen, ucen na Vuku Draskovicu i ostalim stegonosama izvodjenja Srbije na pravi put istorijske istine i velicine...

Ajde se ti lepo drzi Ravne gore, pogledaj seriju jos koji put i utvrdi gradivo ;)



European Parliament resolution of 2 April 2009 on European conscience and totalitarianism

European Parliament ,

–   having regard to the United Nations Universal Declaration of Human Rights,

–   having regard to United Nations General Assembly Resolution 260(III)A of 9 December 1948 on genocide,

–   having regard to Articles 6 and 7 of the Treaty on European Union,

–   having regard to the Charter of Fundamental Rights of the European Union, 

–   having regard to Council Framework Decision 2008/913/JHA of 28 November 2008 on combating certain forms and expressions of racism and xenophobia by means of criminal law(1) ,

–   having regard to Resolution 1481 of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe of 25 January 2006 on the need for international condemnation of the crimes of totalitarian Communist regimes,

–   having regard to its declaration of 23 September 2008 on the proclamation of 23 August as European Day of Remembrance for Victims of Stalinism and Nazism(2) ,

–   having regard to its many previous resolutions on democracy and respect for fundamental rights and freedoms, including that of 12 May 2005 on the 60th anniversary of the end of the Second World War in Europe on 8 May 1945(3) , that of 23 October 2008 on the commemoration of the Holodomor(4) , and that of 15 January 2009 on Srebrenica(5) ,

–   having regard to the Truth and Justice Commissions established in various parts of the world, which have helped those who have lived under numerous former authoritarian and totalitarian regimes to overcome their differences and achieve reconciliation,

–   having regard to the statements made by its President and the political groups on 4 July 2006, 70 years after General Franco's coup d'état in Spain,

–   having regard to Rule 103(4) of its Rules of Procedure,

A.   whereas historians agree that fully objective interpretations of historical facts are not possible and objective historical narratives do not exist; whereas, nevertheless, professional historians use scientific tools to study the past, and try to be as impartial as possible,

B.   whereas no political body or political party has a monopoly on interpreting history, and such bodies and parties cannot claim to be objective,

C.   whereas official political interpretations of historical facts should not be imposed by means of majority decisions of parliaments; whereas a parliament cannot legislate on the past,

D.   whereas a core objective of the European integration process is to ensure respect for fundamental rights and the rule of law in the future, and whereas appropriate mechanisms for achieving this goal have been provided for in Articles 6 and 7 of the Treaty on European Union,

E.   whereas misinterpretations of history can fuel exclusivist policies and thereby incite hatred and racism,

F.   whereas the memories of Europe's tragic past must be kept alive in order to honour the victims, condemn the perpetrators and lay the foundations for reconciliation based on truth and remembrance,

G.   whereas millions of victims were deported, imprisoned, tortured and murdered by totalitarian and authoritarian regimes during the 20th century in Europe; whereas the uniqueness of the Holocaust must nevertheless be acknowledged,

H.   whereas the dominant historical experience of Western Europe was Nazism, and whereas Central and Eastern European countries have experienced both Communism and Nazism; whereas understanding has to be promoted in relation to the double legacy of dictatorship borne by these countries,

I.   whereas from the outset European integration has been a response to the suffering inflicted by two world wars and the Nazi tyranny that led to the Holocaust and to the expansion of totalitarian and undemocratic Communist regimes in Central and Eastern Europe, as well as a way of overcoming deep divisions and hostility in Europe through cooperation and integration and of ending war and securing democracy in Europe,

J.   whereas the process of European integration has been successful and has now led to a European Union that encompasses the countries of Central and Eastern Europe which lived under Communist regimes from the end of World War II until the early 1990s, and whereas the earlier accessions of Greece, Spain and Portugal, which suffered under long-lasting fascist regimes, helped secure democracy in the south of Europe,

K.   whereas Europe will not be united unless it is able to form a common view of its history, recognises Nazism, Stalinism and fascist and Communist regimes as a common legacy and brings about an honest and thorough debate on their crimes in the past century,

L.   whereas in 2009 a reunited Europe will celebrate the 20th anniversary of the collapse of the Communist dictatorships in Central and Eastern Europe and the fall of the Berlin Wall, which should provide both an opportunity to enhance awareness of the past and recognise the role of democratic citizens" initiatives, and an incentive to strengthen feelings of togetherness and cohesion,

M.   whereas it is also important to remember those who actively opposed totalitarian rule and who should take their place in the consciousness of Europeans as the heroes of the totalitarian age because of their dedication, faithfulness to ideals, honour and courage,

N.   whereas from the perspective of the victims it is immaterial which regime deprived them of their liberty or tortured or murdered them for whatever reason,

1.  Expresses respect for all victims of totalitarian and undemocratic regimes in Europe and pays tribute to those who fought against tyranny and oppression;

2.  Renews its commitment to a peaceful and prosperous Europe founded on the values of respect for human dignity, freedom, democracy, equality, the rule of law and respect for human rights;

3.  Underlines the importance of keeping the memories of the past alive, because there can be no reconciliation without truth and remembrance; reconfirms its united stand against all totalitarian rule from whatever ideological background;

4.  Recalls that the most recent crimes against humanity and acts of genocide in Europe were still taking place in July 1995 and that constant vigilance is needed to fight undemocratic, xenophobic, authoritarian and totalitarian ideas and tendencies;

5.  Underlines that, in order to strengthen European awareness of crimes committed by totalitarian and undemocratic regimes, documentation of, and accounts testifying to, Europe's troubled past must be supported, as there can be no reconciliation without remembrance;

6.  Regrets that, 20 years after the collapse of the Communist dictatorships in Central and Eastern Europe, access to documents that are of personal relevance or needed for scientific research is still unduly restricted in some Member States; calls for a genuine effort in all Member States towards opening up archives, including those of the former internal security services, secret police and intelligence agencies, although steps must be taken to ensure that this process is not abused for political purposes;

7.  Condemns strongly and unequivocally all crimes against humanity and the massive human rights violations committed by all totalitarian and authoritarian regimes; extends to the victims of these crimes and their family members its sympathy, understanding and recognition of their suffering;

8.  Declares that European integration as a model of peace and reconciliation represents a free choice by the peoples of Europe to commit to a shared future, and that the European Union has a particular responsibility to promote and safeguard democracy, respect for human rights and the rule of law, both inside and outside the European Union;

9.  Calls on the Commission and the Member States to make further efforts to strengthen the teaching of European history and to underline the historic achievement of European integration and the stark contrast between the tragic past and the peaceful and democratic social order in today's European Union;

10.  Believes that appropriate preservation of historical memory, a comprehensive reassessment of European history and Europe-wide recognition of all historical aspects of modern Europe will strengthen European integration;

11.  Calls in this connection on the Council and the Commission to support and defend the activities of non-governmental organisations, such as Memorial in the Russian Federation, that are actively engaged in researching and collecting documents related to the crimes committed during the Stalinist period;

12.  Reiterates its consistent support for strengthened international justice;

13.  Calls for the establishment of a Platform of European Memory and Conscience to provide support for networking and cooperation among national research institutes specialising in the subject of totalitarian history, and for the creation of a pan-European documentation centre/memorial for the victims of all totalitarian regimes;

14.  Calls for a strengthening of the existing relevant financial instruments with a view to providing support for professional historical research on the issues outlined above;

15.  Calls for the proclamation of 23 August as a Europe-wide Day of Remembrance for the victims of all totalitarian and authoritarian regimes, to be commemorated with dignity and impartiality;

16.  Is convinced that the ultimate goal of disclosure and assessment of the crimes committed by the Communist totalitarian regimes is reconciliation, which can be achieved by admitting responsibility, asking for forgiveness and fostering moral renewal;

17.  Instructs its President to forward this resolution to the Council, the Commission, the parliaments of the Member States, the governments and parliaments of the candidate countries, the governments and parliaments of the countries associated with the European Union, and the governments and parliaments of the Members of the Council of Europe.





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14 minutes ago, 1234 said:


Vidim da si kukavica koja nema hrabrosti da prizna istorijske cinjenice:


- 1. jula 1941. Kominterna izdaje direktivu svim komunistickim partijama da zapocnu borbu protiv okupatora

- 4. jula 1941. na sednici Politbiroa CK KPJ doneta je odluka o podizanju ustanka




Objavljeno 15. aprila 1941, istog dana kada je veci deo vlade Kraljevine Jugoslavije cekirao prtljag na aerodromu u Niksicu.





Prvi ratni proglas CK KPJ narodima Jugoslavije, 15. april 1941.


Strašna katastrofa koju smo mi komunisti već odavno signalizirali zadesila je narode Jugoslavije. Osvajačke armije osovinskih sila provalile su u našu zemlju iznenada i svuda kud prolaze siju smrt i pustoš. Beograd je sravnjen sa zemljom. Nevina djeca, žene i starci koji su se u paničnom bijegu htjeli spasti iz gorućih ruševina bili su podvrgnuti napadačima. Velikim osovinskim osvajačima pridružili su se i mali osvajači Bugarska i Mađarska. Dvije zemlje, s kojima su pređašnji neodgovorni upravljači Jugoslavije stvarali paktove o vječitom prijateljstvu. Podlo kao strvinari, pridružili su se bugarski i mađarski imperijalisti velikim imperijalističkim osvajačima da i oni istrgnu koji komadić mesa iz krvavog tijela Jugoslavije. Ali narodi Jugoslavije, uključivši i većinu Hrvata, herojski se bore za svoju nezavisnost protiv mnogobrojnijeg neprijatelja. U teškoj i sudbonosnoj borbi protiv tuđinske najezde našla se u Hrvatskoj šaka agenata i petokolonaša, koja je uz pomoć najurenih reakcionarnih hrvatskih vlastodržaca sistematski pripremala i konačno u najtežem času izvršila izdaju kakvoj nema premca u nizu izdaja hrvatske gospode i vlastele u historiji.

Hrvatski narode!

Ta gospoda tebi priča da ti je izvojštila slobodu i nezavisnost pomoću Hitlera i Musolinija. Vjeruješ li ti to? Pamtiš li ti da je ikada u tvojoj tisućgodišnjoj mukotrpnoj historiji, u tvojim teškim časovima bio tebi prijatelj i zaštitnik njemački, mađarski, talijanski ili koji drugi osvajač? Ne i nikada. Naprotiv, uvijek su te oni porobljavali i onda iskorištavali. Uvijek su te nastojali međusobno zavaditi da bi te onda lakše tlačili. Uvijek su ti osvajači težili da zagospodare tvojim plodnim ravnicama i tvojim šumama, težili su da ti otmu divnu Dalmaciju — divno Jadransko more. Uvijek su hrvatska gospoda i vlastela bili ti koji su te prodavali tvojim porobljivačima da bi onda i sami mogli piti tvoju krv. Eto, takvu nezavisnost pripremila je tebi hrvatska gospoda.

Hrvatski narode!

Ti si ovih dana bio očevidac nečuvene sramote. U tvoju zemlju su provalili protiv tvoje volje osvajači i tvoji vjekovni neprijatelji da te porobe i raskomadaju tvoju krvlju natopljenu domovinu, a hrvatska gospoda te tjera da ropski puziš pred tvojim neprijateljem, da ga pozdravljaš, da ga slaviš u vrijeme kada njegova vojnička čizma gazi tvoju zemlju, tvoj nacionalni ponos. Događaj u Zagrebu prilikom dolaska osvajača biće najtamnija ljaga u tvojoj povijesti’, hrvatski narode. Hrvatska gospoda te sili da pružaš ruku svome vjekovnom neprijatelju i porobljivaču, a sije najodvratniju mržnju i hajku protiv bratskog srpskog naroda koji se herojski bori i gine radije nego da bude robom tuđinca. Zar je narod kriv što te je tlačila srpska gospoda? Zar nije u svim režimima učestvovala i hrvatska gospoda? Zar nije srpski narod oduševljeno podržavao tvoju opravdanu borbu za slobodu i ravnopravnost? Ali su provalili osovinski osvajači da raskomadaju čitavu zemlju i porobe narode Jugoslavije zajedno s tobom. Znaj, hrvatski narode, da će historija s prezrenjem osuditi one koji svoju tobožnju nezavisnost grade s judinim talirima i na ropstvu svoje krvne braće — srpskog, slovenskog i ostalih naroda.

Hrvatski narode!

Tuđinske sluge, hrvatska gospoda sije tebi mržnju prema tvojoj krvnoj braći — Srbima i Slovencima u vrijeme kada oni svojom krvlju iznova pišu slavnu, iako tragičnu stranicu svoje historije. Znaj, hrvatski narode, da je borba tvoje braće i tvoja borba. Znaj, hrvatski na rode, da su simpatije dvjestomiliunskog naroda Sovjetskog Saveza na strani naroda Jugoslavije, koji se herojski bori za svoju nezavisnost. Znaj, hrvatski narode, da će historija s prezrenjem govoriti o onima koji zabiše izdajnički nož u leđa svoje braće. Hrvatska je okupirana po njemačkim i talijanskim četama, a nije slobodna i nezavisna narodna država, kako je hoće prikazati današnji hrvatski vlastodršci. To je država šačice hrvatske gospode, koja neprekidno preko radija i štampe viče o pokolju i strijeljanju, o prijekim sudovima itd. Groze se smrću za svaku sitnicu, tako da crveni lice svakog pametnog čovjeka kada čuje te bjesomučne grožnje. Ali neka ta gospoda uparhti da ništa nije trajno što je upereno protiv naroda, a najmanje vlast današnjih vlastodržaca. Neka se ta gospoda malo zamisli o tome šta očekuje nju za prolijevanje nedužne narodne krvi.

Narodi Jugoslavije — Srbije, Slovenije, Crne Gore, Bosne i Hercegovine, Makedonije i Vojvodine!

Vi, koji se borite i ginete u borbi za svoju nezavisnost, znajte da će ta borba biti okrunjena uspijehom, pa makar vi sada i podlegli u toj borbi protiv nadmoćnog neprijatelja. Ne klonite duhom, zbijte čvršće svoje redove, dočekujte uzdignute glave i najteže udarce. Komunisti i čitava radnička klasa Jugoslavije ustrajat će do konačne pobjede u prvim redovima narodne borbe protiv osvajača. Ne klonite duhom ni onda ako u toj borbi privremeno i podlegnete, jer će se iz ovog krvavog imperijalističkog pokolja roditi novi svijet, zbrisat će se zauvijek korijeni imperijalističkih ratova i nacionalnog zarobljavanja, stvorit će se na istinskoj nezavisnosti svih naroda Jugoslavije slobodna bratska zajednica.

Radnici i radnice Jugoslavije!

Nad radničkom klasom Jugoslavije nadvise se crni oblaci. Najgori neprijatelji radničke klase provalili su u našu zemlju i zavode najcrnju reakciju. Ti isti koji drže u svirepom kapitalističkom ropstvu njemačku i talijansku radničku klasu, koji porobiše mnoge narode i proliše more krvi kako svoga naroda tako i radnog naroda drugih zemalja. U ovim teškim časovima radnička klasa Jugoslavije treba da se nađe jedinstvena i zbijenih redova. Ne treba se plašiti nikakvog terora i progona. Mi smo na to navikli; progonili su nas svi režimi u toku ovih 20 godina, ali radnička klasa na čelu sa svojom avangardom — Komunističkom partijom postala je još jača. Naša je dužnost da u ovim sudbonosnim danima sačuvamo svoju hladnokrvnost, da još odlučnije učvršćujemo svoje redove, da radimo uporno na osvajanju i okupljanju radničkih masa vodeći ih u borbu za njihove svakodnevne interese, u borbu za bolju i sretniju budućnost.

Živjeli bratstvo i sloga naroda Jugoslavije u borbi za svoju slobodu i nacionalnu nezavisnost!

Živjeli bratstvo i sloga svih naroda na Balkanu protiv imperijalističkog osvajača i nacionalnih ugnjetača!

Živio Sovjetski Savez, nada svih ugnjetenih i porobljenih!

Živjela Komunistička partija Jugoslavije!

Centralni komitet Komunističke partije Jugoslavije







European Parliament resolution of 2 April 2009 on European conscience and totalitarianism

European Parliament ,

–   having regard to the United Nations Universal Declaration of Human Rights,

–   having regard to United Nations General Assembly Resolution 260(III)A of 9 December 1948 on genocide,

–   having regard to Articles 6 and 7 of the Treaty on European Union,

–   having regard to the Charter of Fundamental Rights of the European Union, 

–   having regard to Council Framework Decision 2008/913/JHA of 28 November 2008 on combating certain forms and expressions of racism and xenophobia by means of criminal law(1) ,

–   having regard to Resolution 1481 of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe of 25 January 2006 on the need for international condemnation of the crimes of totalitarian Communist regimes,

–   having regard to its declaration of 23 September 2008 on the proclamation of 23 August as European Day of Remembrance for Victims of Stalinism and Nazism(2) ,

–   having regard to its many previous resolutions on democracy and respect for fundamental rights and freedoms, including that of 12 May 2005 on the 60th anniversary of the end of the Second World War in Europe on 8 May 1945(3) , that of 23 October 2008 on the commemoration of the Holodomor(4) , and that of 15 January 2009 on Srebrenica(5) ,

–   having regard to the Truth and Justice Commissions established in various parts of the world, which have helped those who have lived under numerous former authoritarian and totalitarian regimes to overcome their differences and achieve reconciliation,

–   having regard to the statements made by its President and the political groups on 4 July 2006, 70 years after General Franco's coup d'état in Spain,

–   having regard to Rule 103(4) of its Rules of Procedure,

A.   whereas historians agree that fully objective interpretations of historical facts are not possible and objective historical narratives do not exist; whereas, nevertheless, professional historians use scientific tools to study the past, and try to be as impartial as possible,

B.   whereas no political body or political party has a monopoly on interpreting history, and such bodies and parties cannot claim to be objective,

C.   whereas official political interpretations of historical facts should not be imposed by means of majority decisions of parliaments; whereas a parliament cannot legislate on the past,

D.   whereas a core objective of the European integration process is to ensure respect for fundamental rights and the rule of law in the future, and whereas appropriate mechanisms for achieving this goal have been provided for in Articles 6 and 7 of the Treaty on European Union,

E.   whereas misinterpretations of history can fuel exclusivist policies and thereby incite hatred and racism,

F.   whereas the memories of Europe's tragic past must be kept alive in order to honour the victims, condemn the perpetrators and lay the foundations for reconciliation based on truth and remembrance,

G.   whereas millions of victims were deported, imprisoned, tortured and murdered by totalitarian and authoritarian regimes during the 20th century in Europe; whereas the uniqueness of the Holocaust must nevertheless be acknowledged,

H.   whereas the dominant historical experience of Western Europe was Nazism, and whereas Central and Eastern European countries have experienced both Communism and Nazism; whereas understanding has to be promoted in relation to the double legacy of dictatorship borne by these countries,

I.   whereas from the outset European integration has been a response to the suffering inflicted by two world wars and the Nazi tyranny that led to the Holocaust and to the expansion of totalitarian and undemocratic Communist regimes in Central and Eastern Europe, as well as a way of overcoming deep divisions and hostility in Europe through cooperation and integration and of ending war and securing democracy in Europe,

J.   whereas the process of European integration has been successful and has now led to a European Union that encompasses the countries of Central and Eastern Europe which lived under Communist regimes from the end of World War II until the early 1990s, and whereas the earlier accessions of Greece, Spain and Portugal, which suffered under long-lasting fascist regimes, helped secure democracy in the south of Europe,

K.   whereas Europe will not be united unless it is able to form a common view of its history, recognises Nazism, Stalinism and fascist and Communist regimes as a common legacy and brings about an honest and thorough debate on their crimes in the past century,

L.   whereas in 2009 a reunited Europe will celebrate the 20th anniversary of the collapse of the Communist dictatorships in Central and Eastern Europe and the fall of the Berlin Wall, which should provide both an opportunity to enhance awareness of the past and recognise the role of democratic citizens" initiatives, and an incentive to strengthen feelings of togetherness and cohesion,

M.   whereas it is also important to remember those who actively opposed totalitarian rule and who should take their place in the consciousness of Europeans as the heroes of the totalitarian age because of their dedication, faithfulness to ideals, honour and courage,

N.   whereas from the perspective of the victims it is immaterial which regime deprived them of their liberty or tortured or murdered them for whatever reason,

1.  Expresses respect for all victims of totalitarian and undemocratic regimes in Europe and pays tribute to those who fought against tyranny and oppression;

2.  Renews its commitment to a peaceful and prosperous Europe founded on the values of respect for human dignity, freedom, democracy, equality, the rule of law and respect for human rights;

3.  Underlines the importance of keeping the memories of the past alive, because there can be no reconciliation without truth and remembrance; reconfirms its united stand against all totalitarian rule from whatever ideological background;

4.  Recalls that the most recent crimes against humanity and acts of genocide in Europe were still taking place in July 1995 and that constant vigilance is needed to fight undemocratic, xenophobic, authoritarian and totalitarian ideas and tendencies;

5.  Underlines that, in order to strengthen European awareness of crimes committed by totalitarian and undemocratic regimes, documentation of, and accounts testifying to, Europe's troubled past must be supported, as there can be no reconciliation without remembrance;

6.  Regrets that, 20 years after the collapse of the Communist dictatorships in Central and Eastern Europe, access to documents that are of personal relevance or needed for scientific research is still unduly restricted in some Member States; calls for a genuine effort in all Member States towards opening up archives, including those of the former internal security services, secret police and intelligence agencies, although steps must be taken to ensure that this process is not abused for political purposes;

7.  Condemns strongly and unequivocally all crimes against humanity and the massive human rights violations committed by all totalitarian and authoritarian regimes; extends to the victims of these crimes and their family members its sympathy, understanding and recognition of their suffering;

8.  Declares that European integration as a model of peace and reconciliation represents a free choice by the peoples of Europe to commit to a shared future, and that the European Union has a particular responsibility to promote and safeguard democracy, respect for human rights and the rule of law, both inside and outside the European Union;

9.  Calls on the Commission and the Member States to make further efforts to strengthen the teaching of European history and to underline the historic achievement of European integration and the stark contrast between the tragic past and the peaceful and democratic social order in today's European Union;

10.  Believes that appropriate preservation of historical memory, a comprehensive reassessment of European history and Europe-wide recognition of all historical aspects of modern Europe will strengthen European integration;

11.  Calls in this connection on the Council and the Commission to support and defend the activities of non-governmental organisations, such as Memorial in the Russian Federation, that are actively engaged in researching and collecting documents related to the crimes committed during the Stalinist period;

12.  Reiterates its consistent support for strengthened international justice;

13.  Calls for the establishment of a Platform of European Memory and Conscience to provide support for networking and cooperation among national research institutes specialising in the subject of totalitarian history, and for the creation of a pan-European documentation centre/memorial for the victims of all totalitarian regimes;

14.  Calls for a strengthening of the existing relevant financial instruments with a view to providing support for professional historical research on the issues outlined above;

15.  Calls for the proclamation of 23 August as a Europe-wide Day of Remembrance for the victims of all totalitarian and authoritarian regimes, to be commemorated with dignity and impartiality;

16.  Is convinced that the ultimate goal of disclosure and assessment of the crimes committed by the Communist totalitarian regimes is reconciliation, which can be achieved by admitting responsibility, asking for forgiveness and fostering moral renewal;

17.  Instructs its President to forward this resolution to the Council, the Commission, the parliaments of the Member States, the governments and parliaments of the candidate countries, the governments and parliaments of the countries associated with the European Union, and the governments and parliaments of the Members of the Council of Europe.




Ovo mozes slobodno da odstampas, napravis rupu u sredini papira i okacis znas vec gde.

Mozes i da zavrtis, po ukusu.

U pravu je bio onaj mudri Poljak kada je rekao da su od komunista gori samo antikomunisti, narocito priuceni poput tebe, polaznici ubrzanih istorijskih kurseva 90-ih...

A ovakvim licemernim preporukama i sovjetima EU mozes da se bavis i njima demonstriras demokratsku pravovernost onda kada ta ista EU, narocito njen zapadnitm deo, napravi slicnu rezoluciju u vezi sa, na primer, dogadjajima iz septembra 1938.....


ili, lekciju o tome kako prodati saveznika zarad sopstvene guzice, da u detalje ne zalazimo...


U svakom slucaju, nastavi da me zabavljas ;)


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