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Borba protivu dosadnih insekata


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e sto sam sad popizdela..nadjem nesto sto se zove ,,magnetna zavesa protiv insekata,, za vrata,nisam znala da to postoji ali postoji samo u dimenziji 100x220 za obicna vrata a moja ova balkonska 120  :frust:  


taman sam mislila da ima resenja to i samolepljiva mreza za prozor i mogu ponovo da zivim,ali avaj sudbo kleta..


evo ovo ovde izgleda zanimljivo ko ima odgovarajuce dimenzije



Edited by ivy
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A šta je tebi problem ? Dimenzije? Mislim da ima po buvljacima raznih...

BTW moj ortak je "nastavio" dve mreže tako sto je na jednu istisnuo liniju super lepka a posle samo prislonio drugu mrežu. Uvatilo ko lutka.



poslato sa WC šolje by BVK

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  • 9 months later...

i da javim da je ova http://www.odigledolokomotive.rs/proizvod/magnetna-zavesa-protiv-insekata-bela-beorol/ stvar  ODLICNA!!!


dakle magnetna mreza za vrata...ali posto su dimenzije samo 100x220 a moja balkonska dupla vrata su 120 tih 20 smo zalepili obicnu mrezu,spojili i zalepili cicak trakom za stok i stvar funcionise besprekorno!!!

e sad nije resenje za 10,15god ali od godine do godine je O D L I C N O..ja sam prosle godine kad sam skidala mrezu na lepljivi deo cicka zalepila papir za pecenje,pohranila je da se ne prlja,pre neki dan izvadili,zalepili...predivno!!

Edited by ivy
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  • 3 years later...

Koja je ovo cudna buba, koja nadje da se seta ispod mojih nogu dok peglam? U sobi je bio polumrak (upaljena velika lampa) i samo sam odjednom cula KRC i pogledala ispod papuca. Otud cudna, jer mi se cini da se bube vole setati po mraku i dok je mirno?
Drzimo dosta vrata od terase otvorena, kapiram da je tako usla u kucu i cekala u zasedi. Sad se pitam koliko ih jos ima.







Edited by I*m with the pilots
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Misli drugarica da je ovaj pauk, koji je zapravo, osim ako ga dete ne dira (a dete je u fazi "BUBA! BUBA! daj da je uhvatim i igram se sa njom i stavljam je sebi u gace!" :rolf: :isuse:) dobar prijatelj jer jede one velike ~vaske i slicne grozote.





Woodlouse spiders are usually found under logs, rocks, bricks, plant pots and in leaf litter in warm places, often close to woodlice. They have also been found in houses. They spend the day in a silken retreat made to enclose crevices in, generally, partially decayed wood, but sometimes construct tent-like structures in indents of various large rocks. Woodlouse spiders hunt at night and do not spin webs.

Male Dysdera crocata

Their diet consists principally of woodlice which—despite their tough exoskeleton—are pierced easily by the spider's large chelicerae; the spider usually stabs and injects venom into the woodlouse's soft underbelly while avoiding any noxious defensive chemicals.[3] Laboratory experiments have shown D. crocata will take other invertebrates, and shows no particular preference for woodlice; these are simply the most common prey in its habitat.[3] Other invertebrates preyed on by D. crocata include silverfish, earwigs, millipedes, burying beetles and crickets. This small but relatively large-fanged spider is very well equipped to prey on underground invertebrates of almost any kind.

Because of its relatively large fangs and wide gape, the woodlouse spider is an unusually dominant predator for its size. Like many other Dysdera spiders, it frequently dominates, and sometimes kills, other spiders and centipedes.

The courtship of these spiders is typically aggressive and mates risk injury from each other's large chelicerae. The female lays her eggs in a silken sac and is believed to look after her young after hatching.

They have been known to bite humans if handled. Verified bites have caused no major medical problems. Localized itchiness at the bite site has been reported in some cases.[4]


Kako je glasan i masan bio taj KRC sinoc, mislila sam da sam zgazila kesu punu cipsa - vise me uplasio taj zvuk nego ista drugo!



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