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Mnjex, tisuce cvetova.


Ne moram valjda sve da razumem, ljudi vole tako i eto, neka im. Ja cu svoj zivot da ugadjam po svome, falalepo.


Ono sto mi smeta je prosipanje zuci po svemu tome. Bizarna prica, okej, lopata cinizma preko, super, pujo sotka, ne vidim poentu. Suvise fekalno za pristojan svet.

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This Body Positive Hero Doesn’t Need Shapewear, And Neither Do You

Callaghan, who said she bought the shapewear in hopes “it would slim my figure and I could wear body con dresses,” soon realized the discomfort that comes with wearing constricting undergarments.

“Breathing was not an option!” she said. “I felt tight, uncomfortable and restricted in the first photo. The relief of taking them off was amazing!!”




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Vrednost godišnje dozvole za rekreativni ribolov iznosi 6.000 dinara.

Za lica starija od 65 godina, žene i lica sa telesnim oštećenjem od 60-80%, vrednost godišnje dozvole za rekreativni ribolov iznosi 3.000 dinara.



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srećom u švediokratiji još ima nekebabiranih predgrađa u koje je mogla da klisne pa na miru nastavi s jedenjem apstinenata o npr trampovoj islamofobiji


i gde je sad onaj Internet Heroj koji je tvrdio da su antićafirski kvartovi nekakva alt fact pošalica :fantom:


Nalin Pekgul is a self-described feminist and former member of parliament for the left wing Swedish Social Democrats. For over 30 years, she lived in the Stockholm suburb of Tensta but says that she no longer feels safe there. She claims Muslim fundamentalists have taken over and she doesn’t feel she can visit the centre of Tensta without being harassed, Swedish broadcaster SVT reports.


According to Ms. Pekgul, the situation for women in public life in the area has deteriorated over the past several years.  She noted that there has been a rise in religious fundamentalism amongst the men in the area, many of whom come from migrant backgrounds. :o Pekgul attempted to combat the trend by organising coffee shop meetings :lol: but soon abandoned the idea.


“In Tensta I am a known face and I have no desire to stir up trouble when I get harassed,” Pekgul said explaining why she no longer goes into the centre of the suburb. When asked if she will remain in the suburb, she said: “I always hope that it will blow over. One should never forget that the vast majority :isuse: here are cursing the fundamentalists.”

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Uber Had Male Managers Pretend to Be Women to Get Drivers to Work More


It turns out, drivers are more likely to obey a female manager who nudges them than a male one. When Uber started urging its local managers to text, email, and send notifications to area drivers about logging in at a particularly busy time or driving to a particularly busy neighborhood, some managers decided to don virtual drag.


nije im palo na pamet da angazuju prave zene al i ovo je napredak u hijerarhiji.

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ove odozgo što imaju kinte mogu da klisnu u neko kulturno osiromašeno predgrađe


one manje srećne mogu da se oslone na zaštitu koju će im pružiti još par uličnih lampi


In the heavily migrant-populated Stockholm no-go suburb of Husby, women feel unsafe. The Swedish government has determined to tackle the issue with “feminist urban planning”.



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