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Da li je upotreba robota u antiteroristicke svrhe, kada robot eliminise potencijalnog teroristu krsenje prvog zakona robotike?


Edit: sad sam se setio nultog, znaci nije. :D

Edited by JozoMujica
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Ti zakoni su predvidjeni za robote koji samostalno donose odluke. 


Pa da li je onda robor ako ne dosnosi "samostalno" (nema samostalnog bez navodnika dok nije AI) ili obično RC vozilo?

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Mozda sam se i ja izleteo sa odgovor. Ne znam da li ovaj donosi samostalno odluke ili je dirigovan. Mislim da sam cak i ranije video neke predatore ili ripere koji samostalno donose odluke dal da okinu "teroriste". Mene cak i to ne plasi. Zajebanoce biti jedino ako dodjemo do nekog general purpose AI-ja koji moze da uci a usput mu damo i priliku da likvidira koga oce. E to bi me brinulo. Jos ako su umrezeni... secas se battlestar Galactice? :)

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  • 4 months later...

24 linije za pakovanje mleka i skoro bez coveka u kadru






ljudi prisustvuju samo kao kontrola u pogonu i kontrolnoj sobi. nagledao sam se svega i svacega u prehrambenoj industriji, bio na stotinama fabrika, ova je nesto najbolje sto sam video.





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Self-driving Uber car hits, kills pedestrian in Arizona


TEMPE, Ariz. - Tempe police are investigating a deadly crash involving a self-driving Uber vehicle overnight. 

The Uber vehicle was reportedly driving early Monday morning when a woman walking outside of the crosswalk was struck. 

The woman was taken to the hospital where she died from her injuries. 

Tempe Police says the vehicle was in autonomous mode at the time of the crash and a vehicle operator was also behind the wheel. No passengers were in the vehicle at the time. 



I, ko je kriv?

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On 17.7.2017. at 8:57 PM, borris_ said:


Borise, brzo sakrij negde ovu ilustraciju, jad, beda i sramota je iz sve snage: svet u kome su mera bestseleri NY Times-a i u kome se neko nada da ce tu negde oko 2050. roboti movi da pokriju All human tasks  :isuse: sa sve dostizanjem sposobnosti da postanu  Retail salesperson :isuse: kurcu nije ni kao vizija, a kamoli kao tehnoloski izazov. 

Ono, i ne cudi nacin razmisljanja sastavljaca tabele u svetu u kome se ocekuje da 1 preduzimactm odvede covecanstvo na Mars.





What a piece of work is a man, how noble in reason, how infinite in faculties, in form and moving how express and admirable, in action how like an angel, in apprehension how likea god! the beauty of the world, the paragon of animals - and yet, to me, what is this quintessence of dust?...




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