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Superkapitalizam je pojam Robert Reicha (nadjoh u novine), koji se ukratko ovako objašnjava.Od II svetskog rata naovamo, u svetu je došlo do promene sa građanina kao centra pažnje na potrošača i investitora. Drugim rečima, moć se pomerila od nas u našem svojstvu građana, prema nama u svojstvu potrošača i investitora. To je u vezi sa sve većom kompetitivnošću velikog biznisa (o čemu piše gornji članak), a neki od tih velikih biznisa su postali zakon za sebe.Pod vlašću superkapitalizma, demokratski poredak čiji je zadatak da se brine za sve građane je sve manje i manje efektivan. Pošto su potrošač i investitor sada kraljevi, velike kompanije prave takve strategije koje odgovaraju njima, a ne npr. njihovim snabdevačima iz domena malog biznisa.Konzumenti (potrošači) su tu u dvojakoj ulozi - s jedne strane im smeta sve veća premoć velikog biznisa (recimo, lanaca supermarketa), a s druge strane veoma im odgovaraju bolji dilovi koje su supermarketi u stanju da im ponude.Slično važi za investitore, žele veće profite/dividende, ali to dovodi često do otpuštanja i mogućeg pada u kvalitetu usluga/roba (radi veće "efikasnosti").BTW. Skorašnji Čomski o "efikasnosti":

“Efficiency” is not really an economic concept. As I already mentioned, transferring costs to individuals is called “efficiency.” We see that all the time. So suppose you call a bank or an airline to check on an error or for information. You know what happens: You get a recorded message, which tells you “we love your business, we love you. Please hang on!” You hang on while this message is repeated every couple of minutes, you listen to some music, and finally, at the end of it all, you get some kind of a menu, which often doesn't include the option you want. Finally, if you don't give up, you get connected to an actual person.For business, this increases efficiency. Their costs are lower, and for ideological reasons, that's all that counts. For the consumer, it’s very costly. You're wasting your time and energy. When those costs are multiplied across the population, they become quite large. But it is called efficiency.

Knjiga R. Reicha se nalazi na mom dropboxu, pa kome je do čitanja, nek izvoli.Amazonov opis knjige:

From one of America's foremost economic and political thinkers comes a vital analysis of our new hypercompetitive and turbo-charged global economy and the effect it is having on American democracy. With his customary wit and insight, Reich shows how widening inequality of income and wealth, heightened job insecurity, and corporate corruption are merely the logical results of a system in which politicians are more beholden to the influence of business lobbyists than to the voters who elected them. Powerful and thought-provoking, Supercapitalism argues that a clear separation of politics and capitalism will foster an enviroment in which both business and government thrive, by putting capitalism in the service of democracy, and not the other way around.
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  • 2 months later...

Jaoj, jutros sam bila na seminaru kod čuvene Marianne Bertrand, koja je merila uticaj nejednakosti raspodele dohotka na potrošnju median gradjanina. I na kraju se pokazalo da što je veća razlika izmedju dohotka čoveka sa top devetedesetog percentila i čoveka sa medijane, to ovaj sa medijane troši više svog dohotka. Pakao.Ne kaže ništa o mehanizmu, a to može biti:- ljudi gledajući bogate u svojoj sredini očekuje i sebi veći dohodak u budućnosti- bogati kreiraju svojom potrošnjom nove potrebe kod svih ostalih- jebemu mater, ja mislim da relativno siromašenje čini da je manja sklonost ka štednjiBaš sam bila tužna i lepa.

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Pa, meni to skroz ima smisla. Uvek sam se pitao šta u narodskim novinama, kao što je npr. The Age, radi rubrika "Executive Lifestyle". Kome oni reklamiraju taj život koji je nedostupan ogromnoj većini čitalaštva. Juče je bio fičr o kućama od 25 miliona koje su nedavno prodate. Zašto se prosečnjacima nabijaju očekivanja kao da je samo malo potrebno da se potrude, pa će eto i oni sedeti u svom mansionu.I onda uvek čitaš u hronici o uhićenim kriminalcima belog ovratnika, tipa bankovni menadžer koji je odlivao po koju stotinu hiljada dolara tu i tamo u svoj račun (valjda verujući da niko neće da primeti da mu fale pare). I, šta je uradio sa ukradenim parama? Kupio Ferrari, penthouse apartman sa bazenom, i sve ostale stvari o kojima je čitao u Executive Lifestyle. A dobio zatvorski lifestyle.

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Pa, meni to skroz ima smisla. Uvek sam se pitao šta u narodskim novinama, kao što je npr. The Age, radi rubrika "Executive Lifestyle". Kome oni reklamiraju taj život koji je nedostupan ogromnoj većini čitalaštva. Juče je bio fičr o kućama od 25 miliona koje su nedavno prodate. Zašto se prosečnjacima nabijaju očekivanja kao da je samo malo potrebno da se potrude, pa će eto i oni sedeti u svom mansionu.
ne mislim da im se nabijaju očekivanja već da ljudi to sami traže600630_10200531848352340_1338422293_n.jpg
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Pa, dobro, to je Amerika. Australija ima malo drugačiju filozofiju, više egalitarijansku. Tj. tako je to nekad bilo, a sad - kako kaže Rammstein - we're all living in America, America is wunderbar.

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Tražeći nešto sasvim drugo, natrčah na odličan primer superkapitalizma u akciji - TPP (Trans-Pacific Partnership)TPP: Terrible Plutocratic PlanThe TPP is actually the Trans-Pacific Partnership, more commonly known as NAFTA on steroids. The U.S. government is secretly negotiating this treaty with Pacific nations. Here are a few highlights of what whistleblowers have revealed is in this fundamentally anti-democratic treaty:

  • Corporate nationhood, empowering corporations to sue real nations and overturn their laws.
  • Job offshoring.
  • Damage to food safety and environmental protections.
  • Enrichment of drug companies at the expense of health, and banning some generic drugs.
  • Further deregulating banks, and forbidding the breaking up of too-big-to-fail financial firms.
  • Censoring the internet.

(Oficijelno, u pitanju je "The Trans-Pacific Partnership Agreement (TPP) is a viable pathway for realising the vision of a free trade area of the Asia-Pacific. This agreement will build on the Trans-Pacific Strategic Economic Partnership Agreement (P4) between Brunei Darussalam, Chile, New Zealand and Singapore, which entered into force in 2006. The TPP includes the P4 Parties as well as Australia, Canada, Japan, Malaysia, Mexico, Peru, the USA and Vietnam. The Australian Government will pursue a TPP outcome that eliminates or at least substantially reduces barriers to trade and investment. The TPP is more than a traditional trade agreement; it will also deal with behind-the-border impediments to trade and investment.") - bold moj. Bez da dublje zalazim u ovo, zvuči dovoljno preteće.Za više detalja, evo 1 akademskog rezimea situacije. Ja zaista volim volim kako se gube granice između država i biznis interesa-korporacija.

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Jaoj, jutros sam bila na seminaru kod čuvene Marianne Bertrand, koja je merila uticaj nejednakosti raspodele dohotka na potrošnju median gradjanina. I na kraju se pokazalo da što je veća razlika izmedju dohotka čoveka sa top devetedesetog percentila i čoveka sa medijane, to ovaj sa medijane troši više svog dohotka. Pakao.
Ovaj sa medijane nema izbor.
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