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Unripened persimmons contain the soluble tannin shibuol, which, upon contact with a weak acid, polymerizes in the stomachand forms a gluey coagulum, a "foodball" or phytobezoar, that can affix with other stomach matter.[15] These phytobezoars are often very hard and almost woody in consistency. More than 85% of phytobezoars are caused by ingestion of unripened persimmons.[16]

Persimmon bezoars (diospyrobezoars) often occur in epidemics in regions where the fruit is grown.[17][18] Diospyrobezoars should not be of concern when consuming moderate quantities of persimmons. One case in medical literature from 2004 revealed a 51-year-old patient who had eaten a kilogram (2.2 pounds) of unpeeled persimmons each day for 40 years.[19][20]Surgery is sometimes employed, but Coca-Cola also has been used successfully to chemically shrink or eliminate persimmon-related bezoars.[21]

It is often advised that persimmons should not be eaten on an empty stomach.[22]

Horses may develop a taste for the fruit growing on a tree in their pasture and overindulge also, making them quite ill.[23]


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Pravda za tvrde persimone, iz reference 22: The most important distinction for the cook is that some taste horrid all the way up until the moment they ripen, at which point they become so soft inside they are like little jellied balloons. Others -- the so-called "non-astringent" types -- sweeten while still firm.


Izgleda zavisi na koje naidjes.

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Kora kake ili kakija se jede. Komotno kupi prezrele tj izgledom najgore u ponudi.

to se podrazumeva, 14 minuta pre nego shto budu procenili da treba da se bace, spustice cenu. to je trenutak :D

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Gde ima fish sos? Bio sam kod Kineza u nedelju i nigde nisu imali. Doduse obskrbio sam se sa soja sosom i nekim egzoticnim nudlama raznih ukusa ali ipak nisam nasao fish sos zbog kog sam najvise i isao.

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Gde ima fish sos? Bio sam kod Kineza u nedelju i nigde nisu imali. Doduse obskrbio sam se sa soja sosom i nekim egzoticnim nudlama raznih ukusa ali ipak nisam nasao fish sos zbog kog sam najvise i isao.

U merkatoru. Ovaj:



Edited by maheem
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Gde ima fish sos? Bio sam kod Kineza u nedelju i nigde nisu imali. Doduse obskrbio sam se sa soja sosom i nekim egzoticnim nudlama raznih ukusa ali ipak nisam nasao fish sos zbog kog sam najvise i isao.

Pisali smo vise puta, odi ovde za kineske i azijske proizvode  http://promenter.rs/proizvodi/ 

trenutno izgleda nema fish sosa ali oni ga redovno dobijaju, pitaj ih

ovaj odlicni Thai sos od 750 ml je bio nesto oko 150 din. I sve ostalo je cenovno ok


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Hvala svima. 


@Darling sto je najgore mislim da sam taj i vidjao negde ali sam ga pomesao sa njihovim lajt soja sosom koji ima slicnu etiketu


@Haralampije, super deluje ponuda na sajtu. Jel stvarno nema minimuma i naplate dostave? 

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